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Have any of you vintage-loving chicas ever noticed that men don't like when you wear red lipstick? Let's go back a few decades and see how every woman wore red lipstick and their men loved it! What happened to the men of today? Did something switch in their genetic makeup that made them vomit internally with each glance at a cherry red lip? I have read that these are the reasons men think red lipstick is grotty.

1. It's trashy-women who wear it are loose (a.k.a "women of the night").
2. It's unnatural. Who has naturally red lips anyway?
3. It's overdone-take off that makeup, woman!

Not only are these accusations false, they are just totally opposite of what men thought back in the day. Here's what I know about red lipstick.

1. It's classy. A red lip never goes out of style.
2. It's enhancing the red and pink in our lips.
3. It's glamorous and all women want to be glamorous.

As retro women of the modern times, do we toss our bright lipsticks and go "au natural" for our men? Or do we stand up for the rights of fabulous vintage-loving women and rock that red lipstick? The choice is yours...

Vintage Mama

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Looking Good Richie!!

richie/rockabilly richie{PLA} said:
Not sure if this is my color. comments welcome.

I haven't noticed the brand anywhere here (here being Texas). I looked at "Red 420M" on Boots' website... lovely shade. Thanks for the recommendation, now only if I could find it.

Roxie Roulette {★} said:
Do you have a 'Ruby & Millie' counter where you are? I think they might only be UK but it might be available online. They do a great red that would look fantastic on you called 'Red 420M' (I think :/). It's a deep scarlett colour that compliment your skin really well.

Phylicia Cope said:
I love red lips... def classy when when worn right.

On point B, I don't know WHICH red I should get and I know I'll be too annoyed having full tubes of red lipstick sitting around because they didn't work for me. That's something I'm just going to have to get over, huh? lol

Roxie Roulette {★} said:
I hate gloss! It's too sticky and slimy, and what kinda guy really wants to kiss a pair of lips he'll slide right off of?

In my opinion the most trashy lip colour is bright pink - especially if it is a gloss ¬_¬

I also never understand it when women say:
a) "You're so brave for wearing red lipstick!"
- Why? It's not that courageous to wear red lips, is it? What's scary about that?
b) "I can't pull of red lips"
- Everyone can pull of red lips! Red is not one colour, there is a whole spectrum of
reds to discover! There's definitely one for everyone woman on this planet.
Quizas, dearie. haha. jp jp. nice color!

richie/rockabilly richie{PLA} said:
to pink? maybe a deeper red would do?

Gabrielle G said:
No, that color is a bit too bright and trailer trash on you.

richie/rockabilly richie{PLA} said:
Not sure if this is my color. comments welcome.

I wear lipstick daily, even if it's the only makeup I am wearing. I don't always wear fire engine red (my favorite though) I do like pinks, plums and natural colors. Not to big of a fan of gloss.
I do wear Chapstick after applying lipstick though!
I think lips are one of a women's prettiest features, enhance it!
I love red lips and I wear them as a trademark...I've met some men who liked them..most part of them...if a guy has told me anything about my pout ...ohhh...
I don't care!!!...girls...I would never change my style,way of thinking and feeling in favour of anyone...
one of my favourites is MAC Ruby Woo...
Red Power,Girls...!!!!

Roxy Tart {Madam} said:
I've never met a man who didn't like red lipstick. Ever. And even if I did.. so what? Who cares what some a****** thinks!?! I wear my red lips because I love how they look and how they make me feel. Any guy that doesn't like or get that can screw off. Harsh I know, but true.

I don't understand why anyone would do anything for someone else if it's not what they wanted to do. If some guy doesn't like red lips, that's ok, he doesn't have to wear them, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

Trashy or classy, makes no difference to me, I'm keeping my red lipstick!!
i wear red lipstick almost everyday! i feel naked without my red lipstick. plus my boyfriend loves the way red lipstick looks!
i've never heard anyone make those bad comments about red lipstick.
I think just about every man that is into the whole rockabilly style loves red lips on women.
maybe it's just the type of guys that your hanging around that don't like it?
Lol, I thought of this thread recently.

In the past two weeks I've had 6 random men on the street stop me and tell me that I have the sexiest red lips they have ever seen. and women stopping me to ask brand and colour.

apparently, red lips is now my trademark. which is good i guess. I feel naked without my red lips
Red lipstick is beautiful, classy, and alluring. It was a thought at one time that ladies with darker colored skin couldn't wear red lipstick either and it's just not true!
I think if a man in my life said he didn't like my red lipstick, I'd stomp his foot with the heel of my pump and walk away.
I have read many places, Vogue magazine is one of them, that a red lip is a quick and classy way to jazz your face up- you can nix the eye makeup and still look bright and put together. Somedays, a red lip, a little eyeliner and mascara is all it takes.
I do understand how guys hate to kiss a goopy, waxy, weird tasting, lipstick mouth though. I have red lipsticks that taste like crayon- yuck! I have fallen in love with lipstain- its the color without the feel of lipstick!
i feel that if a man doesnt like what make yu feel sexy, he isnt a man worth your while
red lips will always be classy and beautiful as long as the rest of the make up isnt trashy,
like wearing electric blue eyeshadow and crazy red lips might be unsightly, but i will never love more, a classic red lip and a simply cat eye
its a classic. I probably own 7 shades. without bright color on my lips i feel naked.

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