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Yestreday on my home I saw a man get run over by a streetcar. I'm not f****** around..I really saw this. And I saw a pool of blood coming out of his fact, all you could see of him was his head underneath the f****** streetcar! I never thought I'd see anything so f***** up..I never thought I'd see so much blood. I feel like it's an omen, telling me I should get out of this city. Whenever I go downtown I see awful, horrifying things on the same street too! The other time it was a guy on a bicycle getting hit by a car.
I really feel like I should move out ASAP, go to the countryside out of this city, even out of this country. I dunno...has anyone ever seen something as screwed up and bloody as that? And not in a movie of course..

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You win! The most I've ever seen were people getting hit by cars. What a horrible event too witness. Move!
I saw a guy jump off a building once. Did you know that people don't just "SPLAT" when they hit the ground? every bone in their body breaks and it's like they turn into stretch armstrong. It's disgusting, and VERY disturbing.

As for your situation, I would MOVE. Immediately. That's a lot of bad omens in one place!
Toronto Man Hit by Streetcar

That's not the same incident that you saw, obviously. (it happened in January) But STILL 10 PEOPLE IN 11 DAYS??? WTF TORONTO????
I once saw a lady get hit by a pickup truck while she was on the back of a motorcycle.
She was screaming and her leg was broken, and the boy who hit her...jumped out and checked his truck first.
I used to work security at a haunted house in Holister, it was in a corn field, on the towns only main road. One night, I was doing my rounds, and I stopped to talk to the parking people who were working the entrance. As we were talking we saw a girl standing across the road. She wasn't doing anything, just standing there, and I didn't think anything of it. A semi truck turned the corner from the highway (a totally normal thing) and started down the street. The girl looked at it, waited, and then JUMPED in front of it. We saw the whole thing. The truck hit her dead on. The driver didn't even have time to break. The girl literally splattered. The truck drug part of her body a bit down the road before stopping, and the rest of her was left in the street, right in front of us. It was the most fascinating and disgusting thing I've ever seen. I couldn't look away. I just.... stared. It was hands down the worst thing I've ever seen.

I say you should move.... just in case.
K so I have three f***** stories in my life time and I'll put them in order

Story #1 year 2001:
In my little town of Vacaville,ca in the good old days we had concerts at the three oaks community center. And this is being fully honest, I was coming down from a drug called x and two kids around my age at the time 16 or 17 decided it would be a cool thing to push one in a shopping cart while crossing the street nothing to crazy but a girl driving hit both of them square on going about 40 mph. I called 911 right away! I literally saw them both fly into mid air and hit the ground looking like two rag dolls. After a little while the girl started to move, and a parent held her down (just in case she had spine,head, or neck damage your not suppose to let the victim move) the girl starts screaming " why wont you let me move" "get off of me" while the boy looks completely lifeless. They had to air lift them, but they both lived. That s*** f***** with me for weeks!

Story #2:
I was engaged to a guy. First and for-most I must say before him I had a baby girl and when we got together she was about six months old in other words it wasn't a secrete that she wasn't his. Him and I were out bowling having fun when he made a comment that he was my daughters father. I politely corrected him, like I tell everyone my daughter has a father he may be a piece of s*** of a father but she has one. "I was never looking for someone to take his place, I do my best job as a mom and hopefully she will see the truth as she gets older!" He didn't like the fact that I corrected him even though the conversation was just the two of us, keep in mind he never took any responsibilities of her not that I expected him to other than get her a couple of christmas gifts. I personally never even left them alone. Any who after he had way to much to drink we headed to ihop to eat, I was driving his car for obvious reasons. When we get there he pulls me out of the driver seat saying "ill show you who is not her father" and I'm like wtf i thought we got over this. He sits in the driver seat with the door open, and i lean over to ask him what was going on. He starts the car and slams into reverse. The car door hits me and knocks me off balance, and before i knew it he slams the car in drive. The only thing i can do is hold on the car for dear life hoping my legs wouldn't go underneath the car. At this point I'm pleading for him to stop the car. Seconds later he slams the brake one last time, mind you the car door was open the whole time. My head hits the door and he breaks my arm separating my bone from the joint like you would a chicken bone. After all this the dude stalked me for a couple of weeks even broke into my car I actually had to get a restraining order.

Story #3 Puddle of blood:
So my dad calls me from the hospital saying he wanted me to pick him up... didn't tell me why. Of course I go, he tell me he had a varicose veins burst and he couldn't stop it, lucky he was able to call 911. He even passed out from blood lost and magically came to when the paramedics came to his door. So he gets out of the hospital and I bring him to his apartment. I go to help him clean up and his whole kitchen floor is covered with blood so thick after over 6 hours it's still not coagulated and I can see at one point he was bleeding so bad he put his leg in a garbage bad so the blood wouldn't get everywhere. I s*** you not there was at least a cup and a half of blood in it! I had the smell of blood etched in my mind for months. No s***
Last year I saw three boys get hit by a train. It was weekend and we were all coming from home with the train. me my best friend and my cousin ended up in the same compartment with three really loud but otherwise cute boys. It was a four hour ride so we got to talk alot and really get along. They decided to get off the train one stop before us because it was closer to where they lived. Even if the platform was only on one side they decided to get off on the other side because they didn't want to make a detour and wait for the train to leave. Than as they got off we heard the siren of another train and than a stifled sound. An express train came at full speed on the other line and hit them. Two of them died that very moment, one of them a few days later. You can't imagine how someone looks after being hit by a train at more than 150 km/hour. I can't even describe it because every time I think of it I feel like throwing up.
I used to take the train home every week because it was the least expensive, now I can't even go near a train station.
How horrific for you all!
I used to intern with a crime lab, so yes I have seen things that screwed up.

But I agree with you, maybe you should move and get out of the city for a while. Just get away from all of the crap. So sorry that you had to see something like that just heading home.
Yeah, really people don't know how to drive in this city!! Maybe they did 40-50 years ago but that sure as hell isn't the case anymore! And I lived in the countryside in Chile..I thought people drove badly (too fast) over, no I was wrong. And a lot of people don't know how to cross the street's a bad situation all around here.

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
Toronto Man Hit by Streetcar

That's not the same incident that you saw, obviously. (it happened in January) But STILL 10 PEOPLE IN 11 DAYS??? WTF TORONTO???? life is starting to look awfully good..right about now!
Even though I'd be the weirdest looking farmer ever! Haha!

Ellie Monster said:
I used to intern with a crime lab, so yes I have seen things that screwed up.

But I agree with you, maybe you should move and get out of the city for a while. Just get away from all of the crap. So sorry that you had to see something like that just heading home.
I swear Toronto must be cursed! There are way too many people becoming roadkill every day! And it's less populated then most cities! It makes no sense..and yeah I really do believe in curses and hexes..I've seen it happen. So a one way ticket to Victoria or Chile? That's what I have to figure out now.

Roxy Tart {Madam} said:
I used to work security at a haunted house in Holister, it was in a corn field, on the towns only main road. One night, I was doing my rounds, and I stopped to talk to the parking people who were working the entrance. As we were talking we saw a girl standing across the road. She wasn't doing anything, just standing there, and I didn't think anything of it. A semi truck turned the corner from the highway (a totally normal thing) and started down the street. The girl looked at it, waited, and then JUMPED in front of it. We saw the whole thing. The truck hit her dead on. The driver didn't even have time to break. The girl literally splattered. The truck drug part of her body a bit down the road before stopping, and the rest of her was left in the street, right in front of us. It was the most fascinating and disgusting thing I've ever seen. I couldn't look away. I just.... stared. It was hands down the worst thing I've ever seen.

I say you should move.... just in case.

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