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This is an open invitation for photographers and artists to submit work for Retro Lovely No.3 being planned now for release in October 2010.

No.3 will be a big issue in size and it being the last issue produced for 2010 along with it landing just in time for fall/winter. We are going to offer boxed sets for gift giving just in time for the holidays.

Retro Lovely magazine has established a new benchmark for quality in materials and content and has gained rave reviews for its production values.
Retro Lovely is printed on quality stock papers surpassing most newstand magazines and far exceeding what is available in print on demand publications.

We primarily work with artists in our Pinup Syndicate which is a group of photographers and studios we have established working relationships with but we want to reach out and encourage newcommers to submit work for possible inclusion in this issue. We have heard some rumors and want to dispell any notions that in order to be in Retro Lovely artists and models PAY to be in Retro Lovley. This is incorrect. In fact parties in each issue get comp copies (many publications do not even do this) have the option to obtain additional copies at wholesale (ask any major publication if this is even possible, good luck) or on consignment (yes we provide you copies with no money outlay on your part) so they may sell them at events and make money, contributors can also become affiliates via our online store and earn money simply for helping promote the magazine. Many of the artists in the Pinup Syndicate are members here on Pinup Lifestyle. We encourage you to ask them how working with Retro Lovely has been.

Interested parties may submit material here:

Issue #1 is nearly sold out, Issue #2 resumes shipping the week of July 29th and our Naughty - Taboo Edition is already pre-selling like wildfire..... to order

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RL, technically this is also a casting call so I'd recomend also posting it here in our Casting Calls group (under community tab):

by doing so it will go out to all the people following @PinupCastings on Twitter and to all our Facebook Fans.

This is HUGE opportunity to be in a world class magazine, don't miss out at the chance to being in it early!
Retro Lovely is more than just a print magazine ..... It's a great place to show off your hard work to many admires who in return book shoots with you. That alone is worth it's weight in gold......

I have personally have no problem submitting stuff to RL. I'm always looking for world wide exposure and getting my images out their for all to see. Since issue #2 ( which I have a page in ) I have been receiving emails and a few calls for bookings.... So for me .... It's gonna start paying back. In the big picture "it's all about getting your work seen" . If it's not seen then nobody knows about you and that = no work.
For me , this is not my full time job, so I can see what you mean.... If your after making money I suggest sending your stuff to the big mag's like Old Skool Rods etc...... ,

Retro Lovely is a great help for us to promote our work and gain new fans ( possible clients) .... so that's my 2 cents... hope it helped ...
Hey I was on the mailing list for photographers, but because I photograph alot of weddings I guess I missed some info you sent out this spring.... I want to send you some of my pinup stuff but I'm out the door heading to another wedding ( it pays the bills )

How do i get into this pinup Syndicate, is this link always open to summit stuff?
Beautiful people, please continue this thread here:


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