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This is an open invitation for photographers and artists to submit work for Retro Lovely No.3 being planned now for release in October 2010.

No.3 will be a big issue in size and it being the last issue produced for 2010 along with it landing just in time for fall/winter. We are going to offer boxed sets for gift giving just in time for the holidays.

Retro Lovely magazine has established a new benchmark for quality in materials and content and has gained rave reviews for its production values.
Retro Lovely is printed on quality stock papers surpassing most newstand magazines and far exceeding what is available in print on demand publications.

We primarily work with artists in our Pinup Syndicate which is a group of photographers and studios we have established working relationships with but we want to reach out and encourage newcommers to submit work for possible inclusion in this issue. We have heard some rumors and want to dispell any notions that in order to be in Retro Lovely artists and models PAY to be in Retro Lovley. This is incorrect. In fact parties in each issue get comp copies (many publications do not even do this) have the option to obtain additional copies at wholesale (ask any major publication if this is even possible, good luck) or on consignment (yes we provide you copies with no money outlay on your part) so they may sell them at events and make money, contributors can also become affiliates via our online store and earn money simply for helping promote the magazine. Many of the artists in the Pinup Syndicate are members here on Pinup Lifestyle. We encourage you to ask them how working with Retro Lovely has been.

Interested parties may submit material here:

Issue #1 is nearly sold out, Issue #2 resumes shipping the week of July 29th and our Naughty - Taboo Edition is already pre-selling like wildfire..... to order

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Compensation takes on different forms. We are indeed trying to offer benefits well beyond other current outlets for pinup work. Several of our partners have enjoyed monetary benefit exceeding that of traditional magazines with a better timeline on getting content printed and available to be exploited by them. And may I ask, the photos you post on Model Mayhem or other sites that sell advertising, what do you get paid for those? What of the money being made on your content there?
is there a deadline for submissions??? I know you said the zine is coming out in fall/winter, but when is the cutoff date for submissions??
Good detail omitted, deadline on this would be August 6th.

AND very important, models submitting work MUST include a release from the photographer. Material will not be reviewed or considered without this. If you are paying a photographer for a session, many of those doing this as a business do provide you the right to publish the images you paid to produce.

Miss Nikki Sin{★} said:
is there a deadline for submissions??? I know you said the zine is coming out in fall/winter, but when is the cutoff date for submissions??
and if you didn't pay the photographer??? do you still need to submit a release?
It's possible you did a trade with the photographer and also gained publishing rights. What you need is a document stating you have rights to publish that work. We need to see this and contact info, i.e. email, for the photogtapher to verify this.

If the photographer paid you, it's quite likey you do not have publishing rights but it is a case by case scenario.

Miss Nikki Sin{★} said:
and if you didn't pay the photographer??? do you still need to submit a release?
What kind of artwork are you looking for? I paint using watercolours and can take a look at some of my artowrk on my profile here. Please let me know if you're interested in that sorta thing, thanks!
You'll be hearing from me for sure! Amazing mag, beautiful in every way!!
Me too!

Roxy Tart {Madam} said:
You'll be hearing from me for sure! Amazing mag, beautiful in every way!!
I totally don't want anyone to work for free.

I work with many photographers who are hired by models to produce amazing photography for them. Work that deserves to be commemorated well, more than just on a hard drive somewhere, in a product that can be autographed at a show. Given as gifts to family and friends.

While it has slowed down magazines are still vanishing, there is a reason for it. Retro Lovely is trying to adapt to an unfriendly environment where i-reporting is replacing trained camera crews and the blog ousting press corps (the Washington Post closed all its bureaus

I'm a photographer too, lamenting the shrinking opportunities available to us. For some of us what Retro Lovely IS doing for our businesses has been very rewarding. One thing to be clear about is that it is not a situation where we simply take content and put out a magazine and barely say thanks. From day one, as a photographer, this has been as much about building opportunities and improving our businesses as it has been honoring the efforts of models and photgraphers alike.

The approach is not for everyone. Some will choose to leverage those opportunies some will not.
thank you so so much for being so helpful!!!

Retro Lovely Magazine said:
It's possible you did a trade with the photographer and also gained publishing rights. What you need is a document stating you have rights to publish that work. We need to see this and contact info, i.e. email, for the photogtapher to verify this.

If the photographer paid you, it's quite likey you do not have publishing rights but it is a case by case scenario.

Miss Nikki Sin{★} said:
and if you didn't pay the photographer??? do you still need to submit a release?
Ooooh! I have two photo sets just waiting to be submitted!
Quick question, though... they were trade assignments that I have the rights to the photos, but in some of the photos there is a second model. Do I need to get her to sign a release form as well?
Yes, any parties in an image must provide releases for images published. It's not essential to submit though, but if a photo makes it into an issue, then yes releases would be needed.

Dolly Marlowe said:
Ooooh! I have two photo sets just waiting to be submitted!
Quick question, though... they were trade assignments that I have the rights to the photos, but in some of the photos there is a second model. Do I need to get her to sign a release form as well?


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