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So it's been a while since I've been on here as I've been very busy with work. But I started maternity leave early and I've got plenty of time now! Currently I'm 38 1/2 weeks pregnant and I'm ready to pop. I really want to model again after I'm pregnant, but lets face it, pregnancy changes EVERYTHING about your body. Does anyone out there have any tips to getting back into the swing of things. I guess I just don't really know how to bounce back. Any help or advice is much appreciated! Oh and I'm sorry if I put this in the wrong area.. I wasn't completely sure.

Thanks everyone!

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I've had two children, gained forty pounds with both, both delivered by c-section. I bounced back almost immediately after my first pregnancy, lost all the weight, got back into all my clothes with no problems. After my second child, however, it took more of an effort to get back into shape. I still have a bit of a potbelly and carry an extra ten pounds since then, but overall, not a lot changed.

From my own experiences, as well as the experiences of other women I know, I can say the main factors involved are daily diet and age. I was nearly thirty when my second child was born and my metabolism had slowed a bit. A healthy diet, lots of water, and daily exercise helped a lot with taking off the weight and keeping it off.

More than anything, though, don't rush it. You have to keep in mind that a pregnancy is nine months long. Getting back to "normal" won't happen overnight. Relax, enjoy your new baby, sleep as much as you can, and don't stress over the weight and the stretch marks.

And for what it's worth, I was 31 when I started modeling, which was 3 years after the birth of my second child. If anything, being a mom has only made me confident with my body and my modeling. I hope it will do the same for you... :)

Thank you so much! I think at this point I'm more bummed out about stretch marks than weight gain though. My pale clear skin was one of my stronger points but now my lower belly looks like a kitty scratched me to death. :/

I have them on the sides of my butt of all places. I'm very pale, as well, but the color faded over time and now they're barely noticeable. If you photograph well, and it looks like you do, they won't be a problem. And you can do wonders with makeup and clever modeling.

Again, some good advice is drink lots of water and use a good moisturizer. Hydration is a must.

Bridget Bridges said:

Thank you so much! I think at this point I'm more bummed out about stretch marks than weight gain though. My pale clear skin was one of my stronger points but now my lower belly looks like a kitty scratched me to death. :/

Don't forget your pregnant pinup audience- you can't pass up the chance for a 39 week shoot.
I have two children as well and started modeling when my second was a year. I agree with Queen April LeNaughty. Diet (not as in a dieting, but making healthy eating a priority) and exercise does help. Supposedly breast feeding is supposed to help speed up the process too. And to repeat, it won't happen over night. I don't really exercise and need to, so I'm still trying to get back into shape. And my daughter will be 2 soon. Oh, and I've heard MANY things, but keeping your skin hydrated is important for those stretch marks. You can even rub olive oil on them daily to help them, but it won't make them go away.Don't worry too much about your body, just eat healthy, stay hydrated and moisturized, and enjoy your baby! Congrats!
Your right, pregnancy changes everything. After I had my Son I weighed the most I ever have in my life (still do by the way). A friend got me to do a shoot, and although very hesitant because of how I looked, I did it. Seeing the pictures made me love my new curves and really appreciate my new figure. Don't get me wrong. I am still trying to lose weight, but I want to keep my new Mama curves. ;) My best advice to help stay in shape post baby is to keep moving. Its so easy to get stuck sitting on the couch with the baby all day. Just try to do a workout video or something every day. Once your doctor approves of course. But rock those child bearing hips girl! Guys love em! lol

I agree April. I didn't start doing shoots till after I had my Son. Being a Mom does give you a new found confidence. Really liked your response. ;)

Queen April LeNaughty said:

"If anything, being a mom has only made me confident with my body and my modeling. I hope it will do the same for you... :)"

well if your lucky when the baby comes out most of the work will be done for you, for instance when I left the hospital 3 days after i had my daughter I was only 7 pounds heavier than I was to begin with.
now that is not to say that you wont have stretch marks or extra skin...and for that i still haven't bounced completely back. I recommend a lot of exfoliation and firming lotion.
I have the same problem but it actually doesn't show too much once the stretchmarks fade! Luckily in pin up high waisted clothes are stylish ;)

Bridget Bridges said:

Thank you so much! I think at this point I'm more bummed out about stretch marks than weight gain though. My pale clear skin was one of my stronger points but now my lower belly looks like a kitty scratched me to death. :/

Definitely breastfeed! My stomach was flat-ish after a few days. But I never focused on my weight, I only focused on healthy eating and working out! I never even looked at the scale at the Dr office b/c I didn't want to dread some dumb number, I think I gained maybe 25pounds? I continued my vegeatrain diet and running twice a week until I stared getting a cramp so I switched to walking. I ALWAYS took the stairs at work and wore shape ups too, lol.

I fit in MOST of my old clothes, but my hips are still wider then they were before and I can't really diet since I'm still BF, but I can't complain cause the baby is healthy and soon when she starts walking, the only workout I will need will be chasing her around!!!! Good luck, xoxo


I've never been a model, more so something I aspire to do when the timing is right... but I am currently pregnant with my 5th child and you just have to give your body the time to bounce back. Remember, 9 months to gain, at least 9 months to lose. don't rush the process if it doesn't occur right away. I've had the post baby process be easy and have had it be hard. I am hoping #5 will be easier on me after the fact.


But make sure you eat enough, don't starve, exercise to help that body bounce back into shape, and WEAR A GIRDLE for at least the first 6 weeks. It helps put the elasticity back into your skin and helps with the swelling from holding a baby in there stretching it all out. It is an age old thing in all sorts of cultures, and it works wonders. 

well i guess w the propere exrcs rutine and ur good eating habts U can get ur body back... the sell stuff only for us in babys r us to get ur hips back in place so there are a few choices...

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