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Ladies, I don't know about you but I am STOKED that nail lacquer brands are FINALLY starting to create Matte nail polish.  I was glancing through Glamour magazine and saw there are now clear top coats available that make all of your already purchased nail polish completely matte.  Can't wait to order it!! 

Brands I'm finding will carry this are
and Knockout



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Creative/CND has also created a line of matt polishes and 6 new top coats so you can customize the pearl, irridescent etc or leave them matt
OOOO! awesome sauce! :D :D
See now here is where I rain on your pretty little parade ladies...Desi got this and yes it was cool for a few hours, and then like anything that is matte, as she spent the day using her hands, in and out of a purse, pockets etc, they were basically getting "buffed". In the end it looked like shitty semi gloss. Hers was from Sephora.

With that experience in mind, test different brands and let us know what you find!
hmm, true matte polish shouldn't buff...because there's nothing to buff it to. It will stay matte. That sucks that sephora sold her bum crap. outrage, I say.

Daddy Cool {PL} said:
See now here is where I rain on your pretty little parade ladies...Desi got this and yes it was cool for a few hours, and then like anything that is matte, as she spent the day using her hands, in and out of a purse, pockets etc, they were basically getting "buffed". In the end it looked like shitty semi gloss. Hers was from Sephora.

With that experience in mind, test different brands and let us know what you find!
Yup, DC is correctamundo! But I looooove that blue you posted!! Please let me know if you try any and how it goes. Definitely don't waste your time or $9 on Sephora!
I am definitely excited about this look! Along with matte makeup!

Well I did end up finding some cheap stuff from Hot topic and it's ok. It only cost $2.99 so it was worth the experiment and I liked the look but, definitely chipped off easy. I will update when I try the others!
Let us know how it works Honey!

Honey B Hooligan {M} said:
Love it... only problem I have is the OPI Formula for the matte polishes is really susceptible to dry out. four days and four separate applications later I got something close to "White Out" on the applicator brush.
my beauty shop has it in OPi.... i LOVE LOVE LOVE it... it reminds me of wall paint!
I really don't care for them. I have quite a few from OPI and I hate how uneven they go on... most of them look like you've painted your nails with acrylic craft paint! The texture is... I dunno, weird.
The only one I do like is OPI's La Paz-itively Hot (I believe that's the name).

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