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its goin to be a good summer for movies as long as they don't suck.

yeah this summer looks to be good for all of us movie fans. i mean come on "x-men orgins: wolverine" is comeing out and that looks bad ass!!! but be sides that we have to look forward in seeing "the wathcmen", "fast and the furious" yeah i know but the car stunts are bad ass, "transformers 2", "G.I. Joe" yeap thats right the cartoon that we grew up on is back with an live action film and i have seen some pic's and let me just say that snake eyes looks very cool. so yes we should have a good summer in the theatres. so if you have heard of any films or know some inside info let us all know.

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Ok, well we own all the F&F movies and I'm happy to hear that Vin is going back to the series.

I'm a big comic book, superheroes, sci fi, fantasy buff so this year should seriously rock for me. I'm looking forward to this whole year. Plus I love cartoons...and anything that breathes like Tim Burton...I'm there. Coraline should be cool.
Totally looking forward to Coraline! My daughter and I are going....I LOVE cartoons!

Victoria Marie said:
definitely X-MEN i wanna see Coraline i'm a sucker for cartoon movies.
Saw Dark Knight in IMAX last night! Totally worth the money to see it that way! If you care about better and bigger picture and sound..I do. The detail you get to see is amazing and this movie is definitely worthwhile because it has a great script and acting to back it up. Plus I get discounted tickets because of a membership I have. : )
Yeah I'm gonna drag my 10 year old cousin to see Coraline..he'll be happy about that. I invite him to see cartoon movies all the time, yeah I still like cartoon movies. They're usually better then the chick flicks and Oscar-bait movies they release this time of year.
The Wrestler is the only one I'm interested in seeing now.

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