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its goin to be a good summer for movies as long as they don't suck.

yeah this summer looks to be good for all of us movie fans. i mean come on "x-men orgins: wolverine" is comeing out and that looks bad ass!!! but be sides that we have to look forward in seeing "the wathcmen", "fast and the furious" yeah i know but the car stunts are bad ass, "transformers 2", "G.I. Joe" yeap thats right the cartoon that we grew up on is back with an live action film and i have seen some pic's and let me just say that snake eyes looks very cool. so yes we should have a good summer in the theatres. so if you have heard of any films or know some inside info let us all know.

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Hmmm excited for wolverine and watchmen...and u know what else?? Wolfman w/ benicio del toro and ice age! YES!!
Totally waiting for Transformers and G.I. Joe!!! These two will be bad ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah you should cheack out the costumes snake eyes looks to be the only one that has the same uniform from t.v. cartoon and the comic's.

Violet Absinthe*SGC* said:
Totally waiting for Transformers and G.I. Joe!!! These two will be bad ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah i forgot about the wolf man.

Rachel Revenge said:
Hmmm excited for wolverine and watchmen...and u know what else?? Wolfman w/ benicio del toro and ice age! YES!!
Wolverine? Meh...Never liked him. And I watched the old cartoon when I was a kid. I always prefered Gambit and Rogue (but not as she appearing in the movies). NOTHING is gonna beat the Dark Knight in my opinion..but Watchmen looks promising. Hope it delivers.
Yeah, I'm a psychotic,mass-murdering clown fan. In case you're wondering.. : P
TRANSFORMERS! I can't wait for this one.

As you can see, I'm kind of a fan.....

It's not done in this pic, but it's the best one I have...
definitely X-MEN i wanna see Coraline i'm a sucker for cartoon movies.
I wanna go see Dark Knight again in IMAX..yes I have issues.
In my opinion, those are all guy movies...

I wanna watch some chic flicks, not like Romantic comedies really, but I love period pieces and stuff with fantasy in it...

Not so much a fan of the violence and summer is all about big blockbusters and especially for the kids cause they are out of school too, I think.

Like what was up with all the movies coming out on Xmas this year?
You say its gonna be a good summer for movie fans...but the movies you mention are crap, well at least that's what I think.
Never liked any of the X-Men movies, Fast and The Furious...the first one ain't that bad, Transformers 2, well it cant be worse than part 1, G.I. Joe...Im from Europe so I don't give a damn about it. Watchmen, not my kind of movie.

Oh well, its a good thing that people dont have the same taste in everything.
Rene said:
You say its gonna be a good summer for movie fans...but the movies you mention are crap, well at least that's what I think.
Never liked any of the X-Men movies, Fast and The Furious...the first one ain't that bad, Transformers 2, well it cant be worse than part 1, G.I. Joe...Im from Europe so I don't give a damn about it. Watchmen, not my kind of movie. Oh well, its a good thing that people dont have the same taste in everything.
I forgot to mention some movies I look forward to.
Public Enemies (by Michael Mann)
Inglorious Bastards (Tarantino)
Crank 2 (part 1 is one of the best non-stop action movies)
Gomorra (already out, just haven't seen it yet)
Chi Bi/Red Cliff (The Asian release, its gonna be in cinemas overhere in 2009)

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