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While in the chat the other day we briefly talked about dieting before shoots. I was curious to know what your feelings are about it. One comment that was made was "Pin-ups shouldn't diet".

For myself, I diet pretty hard while preparing for a shoot. I'm tall and thin and when I put on more than a pound or two over my "goal weight" I feel as though my muscle tone, skin quality, and energy are not as quality as they should be. Plus I like to feel really light.

When I'm not dieting I have a tendency to overdo it. I must finish my plate and I must have dessert. I usually only diet for a couple weeks before a shoot... I'll eat a good breakfast each morning and then try to make it through the day on just caffeine, and multi vitamins. I might have a GoLean shake depending on how I feel. Then a little something light for dinner (salad, soup). Do you think thats unhealthy???

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Hi Heather, what I said still applies. I knew what you meant and this is why i posted. Juice by its nature has sugar in it. Not added sugar, fruit has sugar in the form of fructose. (anything with an "ose" at the end means sugar... so lactose, glucose, etc.)
Just really watch what you drink as far as juice goes, it has a lot of calories in it (usually a minumum of 140 cals per 8 ounces which is more or equal to a soda) This applies to the V8 juices as well. Juice also doesn't really help you feel full, you need the fruit itself which has fiber in it to make you feel full and satisified longer. Juice also will raise your blood sugar very quickly which leads to you feeling either light headed, unable to concentrate or tired shortly after the blood sugar spike has dropped. Fruit will not do this to you because of the fiber it contains and the fact that your stomach actually has to break it down, it takes a lot longer for an apple to raise blood sugar than apple juice takes to raise blood sugar. Blood sugar matters because while it is raised whateer you eat will be stored rather than used as energy. Also, you have physiological side effects when it drops like headaches or even extreme hunger.
Is juice awful for you? No. But if your goal is weight loss juice should not really be one of your options. I have some liquid vitamins that i mix with about 2 ounces of juice everyday and I get my fix that way.

Heather Zombie said:
Yes, I understand that, I'm not talking about regular juice [such as orange, apple, grape, etc], but the healthier ones that you can dilute as you said, but also I thought there were healthy juices like the V8 ones, although I'm not sure how many sugars they even put in those. My fault for not really specifying what I meant.

Marissa Lily said:
"Healthy fruit juices" even when 100% juice are still full of sugar (in the form of fructose) and subsequently, calories. If you are going to drink juice and you are planning on losing weight, dilute it or drink only like 4 ounces. All calories count. If you want the fruit taste, go for the actual fruit itself which has more nutrients and will help you stay fuller longer for the amount of calories that is in it compared to the juice.

Heather Zombie said:
Oh, wow, I apparently didn't realize all juices had such high calories, especially being nearly equivalent to soda.
Well thanks for the info, you seem like quite the expert, haha. I will have to keep that in mind for myself.

Marissa Lily said:
Hi Heather, what I said still applies. I knew what you meant and this is why i posted. Juice by its nature has sugar in it. Not added sugar, fruit has sugar in the form of fructose. (anything with an "ose" at the end means sugar... so lactose, glucose, etc.)
Just really watch what you drink as far as juice goes, it has a lot of calories in it (usually a minumum of 140 cals per 8 ounces which is more or equal to a soda) This applies to the V8 juices as well. Juice also doesn't really help you feel full, you need the fruit itself which has fiber in it to make you feel full and satisified longer. Juice also will raise your blood sugar very quickly which leads to you feeling either light headed, unable to concentrate or tired shortly after the blood sugar spike has dropped. Fruit will not do this to you because of the fiber it contains and the fact that your stomach actually has to break it down, it takes a lot longer for an apple to raise blood sugar than apple juice takes to raise blood sugar. Blood sugar matters because while it is raised whateer you eat will be stored rather than used as energy. Also, you have physiological side effects when it drops like headaches or even extreme hunger.
Is juice awful for you? No. But if your goal is weight loss juice should not really be one of your options. I have some liquid vitamins that i mix with about 2 ounces of juice everyday and I get my fix that way.

Heather Zombie said:
Yes, I understand that, I'm not talking about regular juice [such as orange, apple, grape, etc], but the healthier ones that you can dilute as you said, but also I thought there were healthy juices like the V8 ones, although I'm not sure how many sugars they even put in those. My fault for not really specifying what I meant.

Marissa Lily said:
"Healthy fruit juices" even when 100% juice are still full of sugar (in the form of fructose) and subsequently, calories. If you are going to drink juice and you are planning on losing weight, dilute it or drink only like 4 ounces. All calories count. If you want the fruit taste, go for the actual fruit itself which has more nutrients and will help you stay fuller longer for the amount of calories that is in it compared to the juice.

Heather Zombie said:
I am so glad this post is up, I really need some advice on ways to lose weight. It sucks hardcore because I have a huge rib cage and it makes me so thick. When I take pics I love them, but its just my weight really kills the picture...and I get really upset.
I love food too much for crash dieting. Anthing in moderation is fine. When I find myself going overboard on fatty foods (like I have all holiday season long) I just go completely the other direction to healthier foods, salads, fish, etc. Once I've been on a health kick for awhile I can slowly let some of the fattier foods back into my diet in moderation. If you really need to look thinner quick, go for a colonic. The first time I went for one (and mind you it was for health reasons, not cosmetic ones) I couldn't believe how flat my stomache was. I had never had a flat stomache in my life. Of course, if I ate healthier all the time, I probably wouldn't have needed the colonic in the first place. I still get them occasionally to clease out my system, but now I try to schedule them around times when I want to be a bit trimmer.
i can't personally do the whole diet for a week thing because i have shoots almost every week usually. instead i just watch what i eat every day. i think a breakfast shake in the morning followed with a small sandwich for lunch and a salad or bowl of cereal for dinner is a great day for me. i don't get hungry except around meal times. if i get hungry in between meals i usually have a bag of 100 calorie cookies or something to hold me over. another good trick it to eat slowly and chew your food a lot. i nibble at my child size subway sub for 15 minutes, and i can't even get to the raisin box after that. eating slow helps your mind register that you've eaten and shouldn't be hungry anymore.
Just had a look at your pictures and you look great!
We are all far more critical of our own appearance than others are; women on average underestimate their own attractiveness by 20%, so do the Math ;D

XxPirataxX said:
I am so glad this post is up, I really need some advice on ways to lose weight. It sucks hardcore because I have a huge rib cage and it makes me so thick. When I take pics I love them, but its just my weight really kills the picture...and I get really upset.

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