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Hi this is to all the artists here. How do you get better at painting in this style? Please give me some advice to improve. I know my work isn't as good as other stuff out there. So please give me some tips and your honest opinion. I really want to work as a professional artist and SELL my work someday (soon I hope). Please give me any advice you can. Thanks!
To see my artwork go to myspace

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Hey Anita!

I replied a moment ago and the internet disconnected so if I'm posting again I'm really sorry!

I got a little sucess after a ton of work. Basically just keep your pencil - or whatever medium moving! I drew the same object everyday for 6 months - literally no matter how busy everyday and the improvment was pretty good exercise.

I get A LOT out of reading in particular International Artist magazine. You learn a lot from other artists their articles are really amazing.

Online a site like Concept art is just full of talent - it's not like DA - you kinnda need a thick skin to post there.

Go to art shows - submit work to those -

You are great :) You'll make it :)
Thank you! Glad you like it. Yes, I have read some Artist magazines but they usually feature this ultra realistic style that I just find intimidating and boring. Even if I could paint like that I wouldn't want to. I really wanna do old school pin up,tattoo kinda stuff. I guess I should just draw those things over and over. After all I do have a boring desk job...good for practicing.
And about art shows..I wouldn't want to do it in this city. I've already had a few flame wars with art gallery owners on the world wide web. Yeah...I don't like fighting online but they're just too pretentious and full of s***. I just need to tell it like it is. This one tattoo shop in Toronto has put up some of my paintings but I haven't sold ONE. Tough market maybe?
hello anita..i'm not a professional painting artist,but my honest opinion is that you have to get better, some times we need not also painting but observe around us...did you ask yourself before painting something like- how did the flames burn? when the wind cames from the south the dress flys for what side? and questions like that help you to have a real perspective of view and put a professional touch at your work...

Hope i help you...and keep on painting never give up its the greatest thing in all world :')
Fancy kisses***

Little Queenie Rebeca**
Hey, I'm coming to the party a little late, but I also struggle with this, so her's my 0.02:

I also focus on pinup-style art and can honestly say that it is muchos important to have an understanding of the human body and how it fits together (if that is what your focus is going to be). Drawing from life is the best, but good anatomy books are also valuable reference sources. I used to work from medical text books along with my art books! (They are sadly 9,000 miles away from me ::sniff sniff::)

I'm struggling to take my art to the next level now because all I have for reference is the little bits I can remember and other people's work. It's great to have at least something to look at, but searching for the exact pose I want takes so much time and is incredibly frustrating! I also find myself working in anther artist's style then.

Possible solution: I modeled for a friend's portfolio recently. There's my reference! The photos show a real body, even if it's only 2D, and I'm not distracted by someone else's style. I'm going to get more shots done in poses I know I'd like to use in my art.

Hope this suggestion helps some!
Poppy is spot on about the reference for sure.

As for whatever style your into there is a lot to learn aside from those in that 'genre' I get things from every artist. & techinques to be used in addition to your style.

The reason I said art shows, & beleve me I know about art politics is that, & this is for me, there are pieces I walk right by but it's great to get to talk to and converse with the artist and suddenly the I guess makes sense, Sellling art this way works. I like to know what was going on behind the art I buy & vice versa. - This is my cousin rods site - He gets rejected from art shows - keep that in mind!! :)
Thanks so much for the responses and advice! I never even thought of posing,taking photos of that and using it for refrence..duh..there's a solution! Although I do look in the mirror sometimes to get a certain pose. I've learned that it really does turn out better with some kinda refrence. My early painting were all just straight from my head so..that may be the biggest problem.
Yeah, I can't stand the drama in the art "scene". But I've discovered some great art galleries in Vancouver (specializing in low brow art) when I move back there I'll definitly make the contacts. Not here though..
Yeah I had a look...nice stuff! Really like the Martini paintings but I'm biased! : P

Vivien V said:
Poppy is spot on about the reference for sure.

As for whatever style your into there is a lot to learn aside from those in that 'genre' I get things from every artist. & techinques to be used in addition to your style.

The reason I said art shows, & beleve me I know about art politics is that, & this is for me, there are pieces I walk right by but it's great to get to talk to and converse with the artist and suddenly the I guess makes sense, Sellling art this way works. I like to know what was going on behind the art I buy & vice versa. - This is my cousin rods site - He gets rejected from art shows - keep that in mind!! :)
Holy shitsicles! That takes photorealistic to a whole other place!
Of course he gets rejected. Not enough irony to be cool. Maybe he should paint some poop; bet they'd be all over that :\ (No love for modern art here.)

Vivien V said: - This is my cousin rods site - He gets rejected from art shows - keep that in mind!! :)
HAHA!!! Poppy made my night!! hilarious!

I defend the whole it looks like a photo (why not take a photo?) thing pretty often! (gotta read the descriptions for insight)

Anyway, I remembered this book I had about female low brow artists - Vicious, Delicious, and Ambitious about female lowbrow artists you should really try & find!

There were a few of them featured also in a documentary that still airs fairly regular on ovation (art channel) The Lowdown on Lowbrow. -
i'm not a professional either, but when i'm having a tough time with finding a pose i'm looking for, i try this website. it's helped a lot for drawing the human figure. with working on a good painting, try sketching it out first on the canvas in a light color pencil, then go over the sketch with a darker shade and draw your final drawing. when i work with acrylics, some of my best paintings are covered in layer upon layer of paint just trying to get the light and shadows to look right. ^^;

keep up the good work =D to improve anything, you have to keep practicing...kinda like the old saying...'practice makes perfect' ^.~
We don't get that channel in Canada. : ( Is it on DVD ?

Vivien V said:
HAHA!!! Poppy made my night!! hilarious!

I defend the whole it looks like a photo (why not take a photo?) thing pretty often! (gotta read the descriptions for insight)

Anyway, I remembered this book I had about female low brow artists - Vicious, Delicious, and Ambitious about female lowbrow artists you should really try & find!

There were a few of them featured also in a documentary that still airs fairly regular on ovation (art channel) The Lowdown on Lowbrow. -

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