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Sorry if this has been talked about in the past...
I LOVE all the names people come up with. Just wondering how you landed on the name you are currently using.
I'm sure you have a great story that goes with that cute name. Let's hear them!

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There is no major story behind Betty Maraschino. My flatmate calls me Betty when I wear red lips (ie all the time).
Maraschino because for a while I was toying with cherry as part of my name, but there are a lot of cherries around. My first tattoos were of cherries and they are my favourite fruit too. I tried changing the spelling to Cherrie, didn't feel right. I was watching Grease and Marty's surname is "maraschino. You know as in cherry". It just clicked from that.
I just changed my name to that today, and although it feels right its weird being called by a different name lol. Ill get used to it I guess.
Lilly was my grandmother's name and my real first name means lily. I started using it when she died and I realised she had always supported and believed in me but I had never gotten off my arse and really done anything while she was still arround. So its kinda a tribute to her...she was magnificent and everything I ever wanted to be.
Well my name "Ms. Pinup" was given by my dear friend in 10th grade. I remember that it went through some changes like..."The Pinup Chick" and "Pinup Girl" just to name a few but in the end it finally sounded right. That's such a great question I might add because everyone has a story to tell.
I took Bruce Campbell's name in my favourite movie, The Evil Dead, and changed it from Ashley J. Williams to Ashleigh J. Williams. And since the name behind the J is unknown I changed it to Jynx.
Tess LaCoil! LOVE IT!

Violett Riot said:
Fun stories...I am Violett because, well its just MY color! And Riot seems to describe my all around personality...I am just a riot! haha
I was Violett Riot before I became a pinup was actually invented to describe my punk rock/artistic personality.
I also go by Tess LaCoil when I switch gears to a roller derby girl....I sometimes wonder how I don't get confused!
ok I am a cake decorator. Wedding, baby shower, birthday, you name it I do it. My sisters and I were contemplating opening a bakery or starting a burlesque troop (I have no idea now how the two went together) and it would have been CupcakeCutie's house of Burlesque oooorr CupcakeCutie's cake shop. We have yet to do anything with either idea...... yet. I also have been known to use Lala Francoise. When I married my Darling Husband I gave away my favorite ice breaker my maiden name a very long hyphenated French name which always took me 5 minutes to spell out on the phone. I sounded like a cop calling a tag, F as in frank- A- U- V as in Violet.... awww I miss it! Now my last name sounds like lawn mower! So that is Fracoise. Lala because oooh la la ^_^
I'm not sure how interesting my story is, just confusing.

The doctors told my mother that I was to be a boy. Imagine to her surprise when I was born a month early and...a girl. At an early age I was in a rush and full of surprises. My name was supposed to be Jesse after Jesse James. My mother wanted to keep the name even though I was not a boy. This resulted in a huge fight between her and my father. Resulting in me being named Haley (a woman my father had a love interest in, but details unknown) and Jessica (feminine Jesse). Through out my years I hated the origin of my name, but felt strange about being called something completely different. For most of my life I was called Haley Mae in a southern accent. It was part joke because of our redneck roots, partly because my grandma's maiden name was West (Mae West), and partly a slap in the face by my mother to my names origin. I never wanted to use my real last name, Judge, because of bad memories and I knew one day that name would leave me.
Babydoll was my nickname throughout my teen years. It was originally given to me because I was told I looked like a porcelain doll. I had a big head and lips, and dark hair and rosie cheeks. It only seemed like fate that so many people called me Babydoll with out even knowing it was my nickname.The nickname was set in stone by a motorcycle club, when they dubbed that my club name. To this day, some people only know me by Babydoll.
I hated the idea of having a stage name and real name. It gets confusing when you become close friends with some people and don't know what to call them on their day off

So....Haley Mae is my name and "Babydoll" is my little game.
My real name is Angela, but I've always been called Angel by family and friends. When thinking of a pinup name, I wanted to use some kind of spin on "angel" but as you can imagine, most all of the variations have been thought of and are being used. I finally settled on "Angel Darling" because it's lovely sounding. Inspirations were from the go-go dancer "Cherry Darling" in Tarantino's "Plant Terror", which I loved, and also from "Lady and the Tramp" (Jim Dear and Darling). I imagine the name is being used by more than just me, but so far, not on PL
P.S. I loved JEM too!
I really don't have a cute story but I just thought of it cause everyone says I have a big booty.
Which I do and I'm proud of it. I think the best compliment I have ever gotten was from Micheline Pitt saying DAMN girl I could set a glass on that ass. Makes me smile every time.
Well I got my name from a Halloween and I won a costume contest for my pirate outfit I put I even had a friend who I had on a leash as my pirate was awesome. After everyone just started calling me Pirata which means Pirate in Spanish. But I have been thinking about changing my name lately...still dont know..=/
I like everyone's stories!
Well my real name is Destiny, and I am a very small girl haha. Everyone I meet or know talk about it on a constant basis! For a long time I hated that people constantly brought it up although it's kind of inevitable - but I decided to play along with it now!
Ha ha! I love reading all of these stories. Mine is pretty simple. My birth name is Robin Rose, and I love it, and would use it, but I kind of wanted something a little bit naughtier. All my life family and friends have called me Bird or Birdie. So, I just tacked on La Rouge because of the whole Rose=red factor, and I want people to think of The Moulin Rouge too. So, Birdie La Rouge is just a more romantic version of my real name I guess!

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