Hello Everyone,
I'm so pleased to have discovered this site, i cant believe it's taken me so long!
Allow me to introduce myself - I am Charlotte Thomson Art & Illustration, a full time artist, designer and illustrator based in Nottingham UK. I specialise in pin up boudoir portraiture, bridal and couple portraiture for private clients. I also work heavily within the burlesque, pin up and rockabilly scene, working with club promotors, performers and small businesses, creating logos, flyers, posters and web graphics etc etc! I've also worked for corporate fashion clients such as Wonderbra, Double M Jeans and Eternal Spirits Corsetry.
Anyway I'm here to promote what I do and meet lovely new people who love all the same things I do! In my spare time i collect vintage 40s & 50s fashion and homewares and snowglobes and hang out on retro websites lol!