To all of ya in the States,
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
I am thankful for all of you amazing people on PL who have helped cultivate the site and spread the word of Pinup! Without this site, a lot of things about me would be different-I wouldn't have had my first shoot or as many successful ones after, and I wouldn't have had the inspiration/courage to join my dance group and create a character whom I embody left and right!
I have had the chance to meet many of you, and I can't wait to meet more of you (Hopefully at Viva in 2011!)
Thank YOU for being amazing, I am thankful for you all!
Tabby von Terror.
Tabby thank you for saying this, it really has in 2 years snowballed into something so big and amazing. This was only possible with the support of AMAZING members who love the art.