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My dog, my boyfriend, and our health.

Over the past year, we've had countless struggles to overcome. At about this time last year, my boyfriend randomly suffered 3 seizures (with no history), and we racked up $5000 in medical bills from taking him to the emergency room. We then proceeded to BOTH get laid off. Follow that with numerous car mishaps costing us even more money we don't have. We then both got jobs that paid less, and that we hated.... my job requires the use of my own car, which is a piece of junk, and had something wrong with it about every month. I couldn't afford to fix it, but I also couldn't afford not to, since I needed to if I wanted to keep my job. I also got a bullsh*t traffic ticket, and when I didn't pay it, because I couldn't, I got pulled over and ARRESTED! Then we got our sweet little bundle of joy, my puppy Bettie! Then she hurt her foot and cost us $500 in emergency vet bills. Most recently, my car AND my boyfriend's car both completely DIED (beyond repair) within 2 days of each other. My boyfriend commutes an hour to work where no public transportation goes the whole distance, and I of course need my car to keep my job as well. So we were both in danger of losing our jobs again, but scraped by somehow. Then last week, my boyfriend got laid off again and is now unemployed.

So yes, really awful f*cking streak of luck we've been having over the past year. It's really been hard on us both, and we've had a hard time not becoming completely overwhelmed by it all and falling into a deep depression. We keep thinking, "well, we've had our share of bad luck, so something good must be coming our way" and "it's been going on so long, it's got to end SOMETIME" and "we're at rock bottom now, there's no way to go but up." But we've been wrong... life has proven us wrong EVERY SINGLE time. It's getting to be too hard to handle.

Which is why I am so thankful that I have my boyfriend, and my puppy, whom I love so very much, to help get through it all. My relationship with my boyfriend has grown deeper than ever over this past year of misfortune. I know that when we finally get through all of this, we will be able to handle anything. I am also thankful that we are both here and healthy. Both of our cars broke down on the VERY busy San Mateo bridge, and we could easily have been injured or killed in the events, but weren't. Also, those seizures he had were the first and last seizures he's ever had...he's not had one since and hopefully never will again.

PHEW! It feels good to get some of this off my chest... I've been holding on to a lot of anger about these events for a long time. Luckily I have you guys to spill it to XD For this I am also thankful.
I am thankful for the people in my life.

My family and my beautiful baby, Skyler.

TC, because he loves me.

Daddy Cool, PinUp Cutie, Tre, Ama, and Karin. Because you are all awesome people, and I am honored to have you in my life.

All my other amazing friends.... here on PL and in real life.

And lastly, Desi and Betty Red. My two best friends. I love your faces!!!
My kids and lithium...
hope im not too late with this, but..

I am thankful for my health, my freedom, my family, friends, my daughter. <3
I'm thankful for having such an amazing person in my life that I can call my hero - my Gramps.

I'm thankful that I am alive and healthy.

I'm thankful for PL - without this site I wouldn't have ever met some of the most amazing people in my life.

I'm thankful for love, and the person I share it with...that's you Mr. Red. :D

I'm thankful for my best friends...sometimes your true family isn't blood related. - Desi, Syd, Roxy, Edson and TC.

I'm thankful for life.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, so I figured I'd resurrect this thread from last year. =0]

Let's see... I'm thankful for my son; I don't know what I'd do without his off the wall commentaries and sense of logic. Plus he gives the best hugs ever.
My fiance; he's my everything and has given me more support than I could ever ask for. I could go into full on 'cheese mode' but, I'll refrain. =0p
The baby in my tummy; I've known since I was a kid that I wanted to have a big family someday. I'm thankful for being given the chance to complete my dreams in doing so. Being a mommy is the most empowering feeling in the world.
My family; before my dad died, I didn't know a single person from his side of the family. In recent years, I've had aunts, uncles, and cousins contact me via Facebook of all places. I have still yet to meet any of them in person, but they've still been so warm and accepting, and I go to them with literally EVERYTHING. It was like an instant connection, and I know now that blood will always be thicker than water.
My fiance's family; I've known them all for years, and have always had the biggest soft spot for his mom. Even when I was just a "family friend" I knew I could count on her to help me out of any given sticky situation, which she did on a few given occasions. Even now that I'm her daughter-in-law to be, and carrying her next grandchild, I find that my relationship with her hasn't changed at all, and I'm so thankful for it. It's nice to know that I have placed my trust in people that deserve it.
friends. : )

Hmmm, although we don't have thanksgiving here I figure I would just join in for the fun of it

I'm thankful for:

Fantastic friends who have helped me out so much in the past year.

That I've met so many amazing people over the past year.

The wonderful people on PL. Especially Edson, Roxy, Honey B and Betty red, who are wonderful teachers. And DD & TC, who are never serious!

That so many wonderful ladies I know are being blessed with a child.

That I still have a job, and they really appreciate my hard work.

My nieces are happy and healthy.

And this may be a small one, but I am thankful I have this sunday/monday off!
Nine months ago, a tumor was found in my tummy. I laughed it off as an alien baby and sailed through the removal of it.

Three months ago, a friend of mine retired. Last month, they found cancer in the same place as I had my tumor. I am thankful for her spirit and for the medical workers who will ensure she has many more years of rock climbing left.

Twenty four months ago, one of my students' father died of cancer. I am thankful for his amazing mother, his incredible strength, and the friends that helped him through.

Five months ago, his best friend's mother was diagnosed with cancer. I am thankful she will be a successful survivor.

This year, my home was foreclosed upon and I lost almost all the money I had saved for retirement. I didn't have to go through it alone, though, as I had SF to get me through.

This year I am thankful for those who have been there for me for many years, and SF, who has stood by me through the worst of it. I am thankful for my health and for an attitude that allows me to enjoy it. I am thankful that I still like my family, and that we all talk, and I am so very, very thankful for my friends.
I'm thankful for my faith, family (pets included), and friends (in that order). I'm thankful for redemption and second chances. I'm thankful for the freedoms that others fight and die for. I'm thankful for the little things that no one seems to notice. I'm thankful for Disneyland annual passes. I'm thankful for a fire in the fireplace and my Mr. to snuggle up to. And I'm thankful for DIOR!!!!
MY Puppy dog, Dutchess... my job(even though it's awful), my family, my Xavier, my car (even though it's a LEMON!), and my friends. <3
I am thankful for so may things.
First : My Children. They are all so different but yet we go together perfectly. The I love you Mommy that I hear from them are priceless in every way. Their sincerety and pureness. Their smiles, their artwork, their honesty. I love my kids.

Second: My husband. He is a little rough around the corners at a time. But I love his entire being. His dimples when he smiles, his protectiveness, his sincerety, his eyes that show his pure soul.

Third. My in laws. If it was not for them I would not have a family and I would still be living on the streets. All of my in laws are so great. Sure some of them are a little kooky but thats what make them so fun. Out of all of them I must admit my mother in law and father in law (I call them mom and dad) are the best people ever. Mommy will never begin to know how much I truly appreciate her and is so thankful to have her in my life.

Fourth: My friends. I looove my friends, I might not talk to them daily but they are always on my mind and in my heart. Sonya, Holly, Karin, Rachael, etc. Just to name a few.

I live my life for the above if they are happy, I am happy. If they are sad then I am sad. I am truly thankful for the things above. Thats a lot of love from those people and to quote The Great Beatles "Love is all you need"

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