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Everybody has that first kiss.........some want to re-live some want to forget...
very first kiss or first kiss with your true love or one that got away.........
kisses are unforgettable

Then their are those who cannot kiss if their life counted on it!!! LOL

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My first kiss was awkward...It happened in the alley behind my house after school, he lived 4 houses down. He was way taller than me and had to bend down so far! He frenched me and it all happened so fast. I'm sure he laughed when he went home at how horrible I was the first time! It got better after that though! He was a sweet boy and ended up moving away!
My first kiss with my husband was pretty funny! I'd known him since I was 16 but nothing ever happened with us until about 4 or 5 years ago. I invited him over to my bestie's house after he got back from a Seattle trip. He brought me subway for lunch. We were sitting in my friend's dinning room on some chairs with wheels and I leaned in and kissed him because I knew he would never make the move himself. I'm not exactly sure how but he totally fell forward, chair and all, and landed in my lap! We were cracking up and will never forget our first kiss! I tease him all the time about how he fell for me, literally!
Hmm, my first kiss was in 6th (5th?) grade on the schoolyard at recess. We were playing spin the bottle and I had to kiss a boy who I never would have wanted to kiss. He wasn't unattractive but he was one of those guys who is friend not boyfriend material. Of course I insisted that it wasn't my first time because everyone else said that they had done it before but now that I look back on it I'm thinking that they were lying too....
These stories are silly, lol.
I was a major tomboy throughout my childhood, so boys would have much rather played in the mud and climbed trees with me rather than spend time kissing me. I didn't experience my first kiss until just after my 13th birthday. I was somewhat embarrassed on the subject, but it was settling to know that although he was a year older than me, he hadn't ever shared a kiss with anyone else, either.
I lived in Texas at the time, and he had just moved two houses down from me from New Jersey. I was the first friend he made, and his mom loved me, so naturally we started "going out" (do they still call it that? Lol.) A few weeks after, we were laying out on his front porch watching clouds roll by. Cheesy, yes, but we were kids and had nothing better to do. He just kinda looked over at me and it happened. We ended up dating for almost three years before my mom moved my family out to Missouri, where I am now.

My first kiss with my fiance actually took place about 4 years ago. We were just friends at the time, and didn't want to push a relationship since I had just broken up with his best friend. We decided to give it time and see if things would even be able to function with us as a couple, but as fate would have it, we weren't even given the chance.
I'll never forget the kiss, though. He didn't live too terribly far from me, so his mom would often pick me up and I'd stay the night at his place. We would stay up late watching movies, listening to music, and looking up vulgar videos on the internet (hey, we still do all of that now, lol). One night, while watching the John Water's film Cry Baby, he just kind of gave me "the look" and leaned in and kissed me. Not exactly story book material, but I wouldn't of had it any other way.
I never wanted to admit it, but I saw the infamous "fire works".
Fate ended up changing it's initial course of action, and here we are now. There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank my lucky stars for the way that things have turned out. I spend every chance I have just kissing him, and there is no greater feeling in the world than experiencing those same fire works every time I do.
awww, such a soft tart. I love all these stories

My first kiss was memorable. My first proper boyfriend, we had been going out for about a month. we lived very far away from each other. He was leaving to go back to his home town that night, we were outside the train station on a very cold and windy January night.
I just remember not wanting to leave. He was so sweet. Was with him for 3 years. Unfortunately his work took him to Spain, and we couldn't keep together being in two different countries.
My first kiss was with my first and only love. We were 15 and I had a feeling he was going to kiss me that night. We went to see a school play to support one of my friends. Since I new he would kiss me I made sure we sat real close so it wouldn't be awkward, in the middle of the play the lights went out for a scene change, he leaned in and kissed me sweetly on the lips. It felt so nautral and wonderful I had never dated or even cared about guys at that point, just him and I still do. Haha how fun to recall.

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