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So I was flipping channels.. and WHAM. there she was.. on MADE of all things.. helping a zombie infatuated teen become homecoming queen by learning a fan routine and getting a pinup makeover!
Shes pretty amazing.. it was a good one.
check it out!
Danger Dame Diary

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I saw this episode too....
it was the 1st episode that was half decent.
Veronica did not make the girl feel bad like so many of the other people do on that show...
I agree. They do tend to be harsh on the people that they have helping the teeny bopper. But I think SHe wasnt as harsh because 1. the girl was pretty cool already (in my opinion) and 2. Varla says she related to the girl and that she grew up feeling like the girl. I thought using Burlesque was a great way to get the girl to open up. I just feel a little "molested" when I see burlesque and pinup girls on a platform like MTV

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