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How do ya'll feel about models who have this done? I feel like it's becoming more common place and I have breast implants, so I'm not going to judge. But I know alot of people feel like it doesn't have a place in pin-up modeling and I do understand why.

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Well, thank you. It's nice to know that my reasons are understood. But at the same time, I'm not a model or a performer. So I'm really not putting myself out there to be judged.

I think fetish photography is much more welcoming to that "chrome and polish" look that excessive cosmetic surgery can cause. Almost to the point of embracing it. Which is why I think we see alot of models who work in both fields having that look. Masumi certainly has that, which is a shame. Because she was so lovely when started out.

I guess I shouldn't have named names. But looking at her recent pics is what sparked me to start this topic.
No worries! It's not like we are saying anything extremely offensive or insulting. It's just a discussion......

I do agree she was so perfect when she first started modeling. She's gone down a different avenue then I expected, and she's obviously very successful and happy to be where she is....Hell, I would not complain about being that successful, to say the least! I still miss the old Masuimi though.

To achieve that level of success, I have idea what it is like, I can't even fathom it. I am sure she had her reasons as well, but I think it's perfectly o.k. not to like someone's look. Opinions, whether good or bad, are what they are and we are entitled to them as human's in our nature.

Bunny Levinson said:
Well, thank you. It's nice to know that my reasons are understood. But at the same time, I'm not a model or a performer. So I'm really not putting myself out there to be judged.

I think fetish photography is much more welcoming to that "chrome and polish" look that excessive cosmetic surgery can cause. Almost to the point of embracing it. Which is why I think we see alot of models who work in both fields having that look. Masumi certainly has that, which is a shame. Because she was so lovely when started out.

I guess I shouldn't have named names. But looking at her recent pics is what sparked me to start this topic.
On the flip side, it looks like Jami Deadly has had some work did recently and I think she still looks great. Same for Kay O' Hara. Of course I'm not 100 percent certain on either of those. But if it's done right, you shouldn't be sure anyway.

I'm not trying to be mean. Like I said, I'm not in the position to look down on it.
i dont see anything wrong with it. if a pin up wants a boob job, its fine with me. pin-ups are all differnt shapes and sizes. i feel as long as they have a love for the pin-up lifestyle, ( no pun intended) thats plastic surgery is fine.
I personally don't want to do anything to CHANGE my appearance. No nose jobs, implants, restructuring, or anything like that. I would have no problem with putting things back the way they were as I get older though... take up some sagging skin (including breasts), fill in some wrinkles, that sort of thing.

That being said, as long as girls are keeping it classy and are not overdoing their surgery, it's not my business if they've had work done. I just don't want anyone giving pinups a bad name, like we're all plastic fakes the way Playboy chicks are nowadays!
I saw this in Cosmo and it reminded me of this thread.

French theater star Sarah Bernhardt was 68 years old when she had a face lift in 1908 before appearing in her first film. She is believed to be the first actress to have undergone the seven year old procedure.
I think a little nip-tuck to keep yourself looking trim and young is totally fine.
Honestly, I have seen really good work and really bad work. Personally, I like the more natural looking work myself. But that doesn't work for everyone and that is just fine. I don't judge the models that have had cosmetic procedures, because after I have kids I know that will change my body forever. I might want new boobs then. Who knows? But I have the most respect for the women who go under the knife for the right reasons, and who are fully aware of the risk and how they will be altered. I think too often women walk into clinics before realizing that these procedures whether elective or not are still risky. And the finished product might not be everything that they hoped for.
I have to definitely agree that it is okay if its tasteful & gross/comical if over done & thats referring to all cosmetic work. Personally my chest kinda bothers me because of my bf, he finds the video game & comic book girls with huge balloon breast attractive & even though i'm a D sais i look like i have no breasts... He then turns around & sais but my ass makes up for it so its okay... but thats made me think several times that it might be nice to have work done, then i stop & tell myself i like my body so i why should i let his comments change my mind. I also wonder if its similar situations that push some of the ladies to get such drastic & way out of proportion implants done...

also, I had a medical problem that lead to a procedure that can often be done for cosmetic purposes (they had to fix my jaw) and i can definitely say the recovery SUCKS! (Just so anyone thinking about it know going in)
Ashley.......a D cup is flat to your BF? I am shocked, just shocked. Good lord, you do NOT need breast implants if you already have a D-cup! The next step up would be a DD, then a DDD, or E....where does it end? I think your BF may have some very unrealistic expectations for you and women in general. I in no way mean to offend you, but when I read your post it just baffled me. I know what anime is, and I have also had several BFs in the past that were into it.....and none of them ever expected or wanted me to look like one of those characters.

I mean at the same time, to each their own, and if you are willing to and wanting to go have your breasts enlarged to a crazy size, by all means do so, but you don't sound exactly thrilled at the idea :) I just hate that a BF would be the reason for you to be doing that, instead of wanting to do it for yourself alone.
I honestly dont want to surgically alter my body (i do like corset training & things like that though) its more of the fact that it makes me feel down on myself when he makes comments like that, apparently my larger hips make my breasts look smaller in least that's what many friends have said... he always whines that Ds are so much smaller in RL than in anime then i proceed to explain to him that in real life all the girls hes obsessed with would look like Sheyla Hershey or similar ladies & he cringes because he finds it "gross" in real life but doesn't hesitate to make derogatory comments to me or about other natural ladies, i think he just likes the rounded balloon shape of poorly done fake breasts. He honestly confuses be on this subject... he asks me to cosplay some of these characters for conventions we attend then acts very disappointed that putting on the costume didn't magically make my breasts grow >_br /> Thank you for your support and understanding, makes me feel better to have others agree with me that its probably not the best action in my case.

Christi Invicta said:
Ashley.......a D cup is flat to your BF? I am shocked, just shocked. Good lord, you do NOT need breast implants if you already have a D-cup! The next step up would be a DD, then a DDD, or E....where does it end? I think your BF may have some very unrealistic expectations for you and women in general. I in no way mean to offend you, but when I read your post it just baffled me. I know what anime is, and I have also had several BFs in the past that were into it.....and none of them ever expected or wanted me to look like one of those characters.
I mean at the same time, to each their own, and if you are willing to and wanting to go have your breasts enlarged to a crazy size, by all means do so, but you don't sound exactly thrilled at the idea :) I just hate that a BF would be the reason for you to be doing that, instead of wanting to do it for yourself alone.
And WHY are you with this guy?? Wow hun I don't want to get into some deep personal s*** with you, but reading this makes my fist wanna plow into all ALL of these people's faces criticizing your body.

I don't want to judge, and again I don't want to offend you either, but it seems that you are surrounded by some people in your life that are making you feel like s*** about yourself. No one that call themselves a "friend" should EVER sit there and criticize your body and a boyfriend should make you feel loved an appreciated not sit there and say whack s*** like this to you.

Ashley EGLpirate said:
I honestly dont want to surgically alter my body (i do like corset training & things like that though) its more of the fact that it makes me feel down on myself when he makes comments like that, apparently my larger hips make my breasts look smaller in least that's what many friends have said... he always whines that Ds are so much smaller in RL than in anime then i proceed to explain to him that in real life all the girls hes obsessed with would look like Sheyla Hershey or similar ladies & he cringes because he finds it "gross" in real life but doesn't hesitate to make derogatory comments to me or about other natural ladies, i think he just likes the rounded balloon shape of poorly done fake breasts. He honestly confuses be on this subject... he asks me to cosplay some of these characters for conventions we attend then acts very disappointed that putting on the costume didn't magically make my breasts grow >_br /> Thank you for your support and understanding, makes me feel better to have others agree with me that its probably not the best action in my case.

Christi Invicta said:
Ashley.......a D cup is flat to your BF? I am shocked, just shocked. Good lord, you do NOT need breast implants if you already have a D-cup! The next step up would be a DD, then a DDD, or E....where does it end? I think your BF may have some very unrealistic expectations for you and women in general. I in no way mean to offend you, but when I read your post it just baffled me. I know what anime is, and I have also had several BFs in the past that were into it.....and none of them ever expected or wanted me to look like one of those characters.
I mean at the same time, to each their own, and if you are willing to and wanting to go have your breasts enlarged to a crazy size, by all means do so, but you don't sound exactly thrilled at the idea :) I just hate that a BF would be the reason for you to be doing that, instead of wanting to do it for yourself alone.

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