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Well I has something happen today that has not happened to me before that I've been encouraged to share here. A stranger from across the country called my cell phone number and began a casual personal conversation with me. My fan said he saw my photos on model mahem, which I joined about 2 days ago. Apparently he enjoyed them enough to read all about me on my blog (and do some further research from there to ferret out my number which is published on a business site, but has just been updated to send calls elsewhere).

MM invites people to PL, so perhaps he has joined and may be reading this.

He asked a number of personal questions and wanted to know if we could get together if he came to town. It took me a couple minutes of talking to him cordially to realize and confirm that he is not a travelling photographer, "just a fan". At that point I let him know I needed to get back to work and asked him to email me (so I could have a little more information about him in case I needed it). He was prompt in his response which contained some compliments and some suggestions. Then he texted me. I've saved his information and blocked his emails and advised him that since we have no business relationship it would be improper for me to continue to communicate with him, I thanked him for his sincere compliments, and let him know I would tell the photographers how much he enjoyed their work. Hopefully this will suffice.

I was totally caught off guard by this contact and it left me feeling a tad creeped out. I am pretty cautious about what contact information goes where and have seperate email addresses for different things, but of course people DO need a way to find you and that is part of the enjoyment of social media, and I do need to have a business line and thought the cell would be fine since it doesn't give a location. It could if I let it but I don't.

It was not so much the contact being initiated, nor the suggestive nature, nor even the desire to meet in person - it's understandable in a way. It was the fact the first contact was made by telephone, the casual nature of the conversation - as if this is someone I already know, and the personal questions which revealed how much personal information this person already established about me before ever speaking to me and giving me the opportunity to share about myself. Well i guess in a way I had already shared it about myself in a bio here and there, but I did not expect to be researched and vetted.

I am sure that I am not the first to be contacted in this manner. I was planning with a photographer just yesterday about an upcoming TFCD implied nude shoot, and think that what happened today has helped me decide against that, at least for the time being. At this point I would only do it with a release and payment to the photograther with the understanding they are not going to publish my images willy nilly. If I have to feel like they cannot be seen I'm not sure I need to have them taken.

So please post on this thread if you have some tips or experiences of your own to share. I'm sure I am not yet too old to learn a thing or two more.

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Thank you for brining this up, as we take things like this very seriously.
The best advice I can give is if this happens on PL, or if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable with messages/unwanted contact, then report it to a Madam.

Other than that I will let the other ladies give advice.
Damn model mayhem creepers!
Oh my, that sounds awful!! I'm not on MM but maybe you can report him there? Also, if anything seriously continues I would definitely contact the police because it would be harassment at that point. I hope he goes away though!
This hasn't happened to me, but I am MM as well and am officially creeped out for you. But thanks for bringing this up because all girls should be aware that are creepers like that out there!
Wow that's pretty scary! But I wouldn't worry about it, just be careful about where your contact details are being posted in the future.. He doesn't sound threatening, but good plan on getting as much info on him as possible just in case..
Wow, creeper stalker much??? You poor thing! I've had 2 stalkers, but they both knew me in real life, so my situation was a bit different. The best thing you can do is ignore him. Cut all contact. And if he persists, tell him you'll call the cops. Good luck.

Ladies and gents, this is why we screen all our members, and why the madams work so hard for you. To make sure things like this don't happen! If anything like this ever happens here on PL, be sure to tell a Madam or the PL team asap!
great advice betty!

Betty Maraschino {Madam} said:
Thank you for brining this up, as we take things like this very seriously.
The best advice I can give is if this happens on PL, or if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable with messages/unwanted contact, then report it to a Madam.

Other than that I will let the other ladies give advice.
that is a little bit suspicious. I got an email earlier this year about a pinup contest and it said to bring $ and no husbands or boyfriends could come with you. In fact no one was allowed to come with you. It didn't seem ok to me. so I hit block sender. The only thing I could suggest is that you have some type of bodyguard go with you whenever meet anyone. safety first!
thanks for the advice... it is great for those who havent had a problem yet, like this...
i have had one, too... and it is VERY VERY creepy! and you can ALWAYS learn a thing or two!...
Just to be clear, my phone# is only available publicly on my business page - I must offer some form for customers to reach me in that respect. It's not published here, not on FB (only avail to certain friends) or MYSp, or MM, or my blog. I supply an email address only. He opted not to use that and instead did some researching till he found the number. I found it more creepy that someone would invest that much time into seeking out the # when they could have just emailed (and asked for the number, lol).

Ellie Monster{★} said:
This hasn't happened to me, but I am MM as well and am officially creeped out for you. But thanks for bringing this up because all girls should be aware that are creepers like that out there!
There is an entire ranting thread on MM from photogs who will not work with models who bring escorts. I believe most of this negativity comes from their experience not with 'escorts' but with 'jealous boyfriends' attending nude shoots.
It hardly seems unreasonable to want someone with you, particularly the first time you are working together, and this is compounded when you may not be in a studio environment and may be fully undressed!
Some went so far as to say it was a personal attack on their reputation - a presumption that they were predatory (get over yourself - it is hardly about YOU), others said it was a case of low self esteem on the part of the model (seems the oppositte would be true), others said it messed with the creative flow.
That last bit is to be the best and most legit, professional explanation - but that distraction only happens when the escort does anything other than observe from a distance. Most of the experienced and quality photographers don't seem to mind an escort, they set ground rules in advance, even have an area for the escorts to be entertained with tv and the like for long shoots.
Just as those ranting photographers would not want to work with me if I brought an escort, i would not want to work with someone who's creativity shrank up because a third set of eyes was watching them depress the shutter button.

Rikki Belle said:
that is a little bit suspicious. I got an email earlier this year about a pinup contest and it said to bring $ and no husbands or boyfriends could come with you. In fact no one was allowed to come with you. It didn't seem ok to me. so I hit block sender. The only thing I could suggest is that you have some type of bodyguard go with you whenever meet anyone. safety first!

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