"We Are The New Vintage"
EXFOLIATING BEFORE A SHOOT Im noticing a lot of dark knuckles elbows and knees in photos It takes consideraable time to shop these to a desirable soft femine look. Please, girls, scrub scrub scrub. I found a fabulous sea salt and lavendar oil exfoliating product at Trader Joes. Just dip fingers in and apply all over hands, neck, arms and legs. It will leave your skin looking radiant and velvety soft. Use another facial exfoliating product too. Your makeup will go on much smoother and you will glow.
That's a good point. Most girls think about their face, but forget about the rest of them. Scrub up girls!!! Nothing is more lady like then smooth skin.
Please scrub, but not so hard you have red skin. Then moisturize your skin.
Please have a fresh manicure and pedicure, or clean natural nails.
PLEASE moisturize your lips.
I know this is a lot of work, but, you'll love your photos sooooo much more! A lot of work and attention to detail by everyone involved goes into a great shot. And we all want GREAT shots,
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