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Ok so the big thing these days is to remake/ "re-imagine" movies, and everyone's got their panties in a knot waiting for Alice in Wonderland, so i was wondering what is the best and worst remakes you've ever seen?

i would have to say the best remake i ever saw was John Carpenters The Thing,

and the worst i ever saw was the 1998 American remake Godzilla.

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i have to agree with you about the Thing. that's actually one of my all time favorite movies. i wanted to kill myself for wasting a hour and a half of my life after watching house of Wax
for me it was a toss up between House of Wax and Planet of the Apes. i loved the original w/ Charlton Heston. now that i think about it the Apes remake is starting to piss me off!!!

Chop & Go {PLA} said:
Personally I don't care for remakes. Body Snatchers was OK but Planet of the apes was THE worst! Who was that at the end, Ape Lincoln?
hahaa. that was indeed a horrible line to throw in. i laughed when i heard that not b/c it was funny but at how lame it was. i had such high hopes for that remake. i should of known Hollywood was gonna let me down

Chop & Go {PLA} said:
yea, they REALLY scewed it up. 'get your hands off me you dam dirty human' come ON!

Daniel Rodriguez said:
for me it was a toss up between House of Wax and Planet of the Apes. i loved the original w/ Charlton Heston. now that i think about it the Apes remake is starting to piss me off!!!

Chop & Go {PLA} said:
Personally I don't care for remakes. Body Snatchers was OK but Planet of the apes was THE worst! Who was that at the end, Ape Lincoln?
Yeah it's pretty sad when Rick Baker can't even save the planet of the apes remake movie. the only thing that makes the remade house of wax a little better than planet of the apes was when i saw it in a theater full of people the reaction when Paris Hilton got killed was so joyous and funny, i can't think about it without thinking back to that theater. =)

Daniel Rodriguez said:
hahaa. that was indeed a horrible line to throw in. i laughed when i heard that not b/c it was funny but at how lame it was. i had such high hopes for that remake. i should of known Hollywood was gonna let me down

Chop & Go {PLA} said:
yea, they REALLY scewed it up. 'get your hands off me you dam dirty human' come ON!

Daniel Rodriguez said:
for me it was a toss up between House of Wax and Planet of the Apes. i loved the original w/ Charlton Heston. now that i think about it the Apes remake is starting to piss me off!!!

Chop & Go {PLA} said:
Personally I don't care for remakes. Body Snatchers was OK but Planet of the apes was THE worst! Who was that at the end, Ape Lincoln?

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