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I was bullied quite badly throughout all my school years and I still find myself as a grown woman being sought out by the same sort of people in my adult life. Still crippled by these people that like doing harm to others.

Anyone get bullied before? How did you handle it? Do you still encounter the same sort of people?


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sorry to say, you hit the nail on the head. Your nice to everyone, You have a wonderful BF and you have the confidence to enter a modelling competition.
People get jealous of the silliest things.
No matter what, your PL sisters (and brothers) are here for ya.

Mistress Zen said:
Lord knows what they have to be jealous of.
I'm just nice to everyone, isn't that how everyone should be? Sheesh I lose faith in so much of life. I can't even contemplate being mean just for the fun of it, or even out of jealousy.

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
well...without over-complicating things....They're wicked jealous of you.

Mistress Zen said:
I've been encountering bullying at work, usually the strong female boss and they just remind me of the bitchy girls at school. I've just been fired for calling in sick 45 minutes late, just because she found something to use against me. She had previously moved me away from the group at work and then called me 'unsocial'. She completely ruined my work life to the extent that I didn't want to go in anymore.

I had a girl tell me 'f*** you' when she saw my boyfriend and how nice he treated me and then told me he would probably break up with me because we've been together for over 2 years and she had a friend who got broken up with.

I'm in a modelling competition at the moment (and winning) and I've had people send me messages telling me they want to punch my face in with a brick and someone posted on my page "Don't vote for her she has a b*** eye". Another girl posted "We don't like you, we're not voting for you, get the hint" on the competitions front page!

What is wrong with people?!
You wouldn't even believe how much I have been bullied in my childhood. I had friends, but those who weren't my close friends were calling me names all the time, fatty, tank, dyke, whore etc etc. I was nice to people and wanted no harm to anyone, but I was fat and not so attractive so they had the "reason" to bully...

Especially it hurt when boys verbally attacked me because I felt that there would never be another half that would want me as I am. I wrapped inside of my own skin and didn't show anyone that I was hurt, I still don't, but now I have learned to defend myself.

Now the school's cutest girl isn't that cute anymore, bullies are driving tracktors at the same village I used to live, living next doors to their parents and being part time dads to their kids and asking to be friends with me on facebook like nothing never happened. How pathetic.

I have my partner, living in a nice city in a nice apartment, performing, doing things that make life special, candlelight dinners, planning wedding, getting puppy soon and so on. My life is good. For the bullies disappointment I succeed in my life. That's the best revenge! Karma will do it's tricks, believe me!

Be strong sisters!!
I've gotta say that it does feel pretty good that the girls who bullied me are fat and/or pregnant and the guys are doing labor work or in jail. Such bogans. But they still take pleasure in making me feel like crap, taking every advantage.
I have to say that I love this website and the people on it. You're all such beautiful people. I'm so glad I found this place <3
I was bullied as a kid because of my height. By the time I was 11 I was 5'7", very skinny and the 'ugly girl'; all of these aspects led to me being bullied. I did once push a girl to the floor after some name calling, but got in trouble for bullying her!

However now, I know I am not ugly, no one is ugly. So when they see me out they are all gobsmacked by how I turned out and I stick two fingers up at them!

This week I completely cleaned my life out, move 200 miles, got new friends and started doing what I really wanted to do, and so far, there is no bullying to speak of!
Hope I'm allowed to write this..yes, I was bullied. But I won't get through any solutions because I don't want to cause any controversy or online drama. I have enough of that..thanks!
Suffice it to say, school was HELL for me, from day one I've been completly misunderstood and bullied. In kindergarden my teacher even hit me! Yeah, what a b****. Think what you will but no 5 year old deserves that!!
And later on, it was the insults about being weird, awkward, too tall, too skinny, etc.etc. ad nauseum.
And I just had to deal with someone like that last week at work. Agh..of all the people I have to have as a supervisor it has to be a psychotic b**** who screams racist insults at me on the street in front of everyone. Seriously, even the workers for the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) felt bad and supported me against her. Gees..yeah that was horrifying. Anyway I'm reporting her to the Human Rights commission over here for the racism and firing me without cause. Fun! : )
The best thing for me now, is to just avoid people and avoid stupid, useless drama.
Obviously I can't follow my dad's advice when I was a kid to just beat the s*** outta anyone who bullied me..I wish... lol
Eso es todo!
Yes I did...everyday of my school life. It got so bad that by the time I reached 10th. grade my parents pulled me from school. Luckily homeschooling was relatively new and I was able to finish out highschool that way.
I think as I get older, I learn how to deal with bullies better each day. That seems weird I know because of my age. But even still I deal with ignorant and stupid people who try to make my life hell. Most often it's jealousy!
My comebacks happen according to my mood. But I've found not responding p***** the person off the most cause you didn't give in and act like a dumbass JUST LIKE THEM! I go into total ignore mode. It's like they don't even exist.
I don't and I'm sure you don't have time for foolishness.
i was never exactly bullied in school, the things the have hurt the most and still stick with me are that from my family
i can relate to this especially right currently in cosmetology school and all of the girls in my class dislike me. im not a mean person &i have never done anything to the girls in my class to make them not like me but for some stupid reason they all dont like me. they always rudly question my work saying "how did you get done with tht so fast" which in the way they say it really means they dont believe im really doing the correct amount of work &jus saying i am. they have also gone behind my back &told the instructors things that could get me kicked out of i dont clock out at lunch &other times im suppose to &i leave the building...when actually they are the ones who dont clock out when they eat.
i jus think its really sad tht we are out of highschool &ppl still behave like still are...&its especially sad tht im the youngest one in my class &im the only professional one....

i think ppl who bully others just need to grow up and worry about their own life/work/grades or whatever instead of trying to bring other people down...
here here! well said!

Betty Maraschino {★} said:
sorry to say, you hit the nail on the head. Your nice to everyone, You have a wonderful BF and you have the confidence to enter a modelling competition.
People get jealous of the silliest things.
No matter what, your PL sisters (and brothers) are here for ya.

Mistress Zen said:
Lord knows what they have to be jealous of.
I'm just nice to everyone, isn't that how everyone should be? Sheesh I lose faith in so much of life. I can't even contemplate being mean just for the fun of it, or even out of jealousy.

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
well...without over-complicating things....They're wicked jealous of you.

Mistress Zen said:
I've been encountering bullying at work, usually the strong female boss and they just remind me of the bitchy girls at school. I've just been fired for calling in sick 45 minutes late, just because she found something to use against me. She had previously moved me away from the group at work and then called me 'unsocial'. She completely ruined my work life to the extent that I didn't want to go in anymore.

I had a girl tell me 'f*** you' when she saw my boyfriend and how nice he treated me and then told me he would probably break up with me because we've been together for over 2 years and she had a friend who got broken up with.

I'm in a modelling competition at the moment (and winning) and I've had people send me messages telling me they want to punch my face in with a brick and someone posted on my page "Don't vote for her she has a b*** eye". Another girl posted "We don't like you, we're not voting for you, get the hint" on the competitions front page!

What is wrong with people?!
I got bullied in cosmo school. For a long time I just ignored her unprofessionalism. She is 22 and I am 39. She used to snicker at what I had on, what music I put on the stereo Everything she could think of, she would belittle me. Finally one day I wore seamed stockings, cuban style. All day long she pointed at my legs and would whisper to her little followers. Finally at the end of the day when I was getting ready to leave, I had had it with all of her antics that she was pulling from day one. I had let her have a full on tongue lashing letting her know if she had something to say about my music or my dress code, then she should take it up with me directly other wise I would go to another source to take care of outside the salon so I could beat the living snot out of her,

The other girls were in shock that I stood up to that little b****, Needless to say we both got called into the office. She lied her pants off thru the entire meeting and made me look like a liar... Needless to say I got back at her with a box of homemade fudge at Christmas time, She left me alone after that and was actually nice to me. Haha! Revenge is so sweet some times!
haha sounds like you taught her a lesson!
its not just one girl at my school though..its all 9 of them tht im grouped with by my doesnt bother me tht they talk crap cuz im better then them at everything(thts what my instructor has said) what makes me mad is they would go so low as to try to get me kicked out of school..thts not ok to do to anyone...&its kinda sad tht im the youngest one &they are the ones tht act like they are 12...the oldest one tht talks crap the most &makes plans to tell on me to teachers is old enough to be my mom.

but i will have the last laugh when im done with school because i already have a forsure job &when they get out they will prob be doing nothing...if they even make it through school..half of them skip school all the time &donno what they are doing

t*o*r*i said:
I got bullied in cosmo school. For a long time I just ignored her unprofessionalism. She is 22 and I am 39. She used to snicker at what I had on, what music I put on the stereo Everything she could think of, she would belittle me. Finally one day I wore seamed stockings, cuban style. All day long she pointed at my legs and would whisper to her little followers. Finally at the end of the day when I was getting ready to leave, I had had it with all of her antics that she was pulling from day one. I had let her have a full on tongue lashing letting her know if she had something to say about my music or my dress code, then she should take it up with me directly other wise I would go to another source to take care of outside the salon so I could beat the living snot out of her,

The other girls were in shock that I stood up to that little b****, Needless to say we both got called into the office. She lied her pants off thru the entire meeting and made me look like a liar... Needless to say I got back at her with a box of homemade fudge at Christmas time, She left me alone after that and was actually nice to me. Haha! Revenge is so sweet some times!

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