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I was bullied quite badly throughout all my school years and I still find myself as a grown woman being sought out by the same sort of people in my adult life. Still crippled by these people that like doing harm to others.

Anyone get bullied before? How did you handle it? Do you still encounter the same sort of people?


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Urgh all the time!
All through first school I was bullied. It got so bad that my brother (who was incredibly psychobilly at the time, with his foot high bright red wedge hair and all) came to my school to put a stop to it. Now my brother is very passive, nothing bothers him at all. Except when his 7yr old sister is being bullied.
Middle school was fine for me. somehow the "weirdos and freaks" were actually the cool crowd. If we didnt like it, it wasnt cool.
High school was awful for me. were talking everything from name calling to spreading rumors ect. They only just stopped short of beating me up. The school refused to do anything about it. I kept my head down, kept being true to myself, got on with my school work. Never fought back, never said a bad word about anyone. I had my friends and thats all that mattered.

Now looking at the lives of the ones who bullied me, all the girls have 3 or 4 kids (were all 22 now) with a different dad for each. No longer are they size 6's, theyre all larger than me.
Whenever I go home for a few days I usually end up bumping into one of them. The usual reaction is :O you look great! I love your dress ect ect
I'm still pleasant to them. I'm over the childish behaviour. And I know I look gorgeous, I don't need their approval.

These days I still get the "your fat!" comments. I'm just like Yeah, your eyes are working. Please point out more obvious things.
"Your ginger" - Nope, I'm a red head. and thank you for noticing I just DYED my hair that colour.
"Your fake, you dye your hair" - sweetheart come back and say that when the curtains match the carpet. your as much blonde as I am a redhead.
"you dress weird" - yes, but I'm not rude like you. so i guess were even.
"urgh, tattoos on women are UGLY" - why thank you, Ill pass that on to the girl who does my tattoos.
"your ugly" - and your stupid

At work and Uni on occasion it has been pretty bad again, but I'm so over it. its just at a normal level right now.
Most bullying and bitchyness as an adult I walk away from. Were grown ups FFS.
Kids dont bother saying s*** like that to me, they always look like I'm about to bite their neck or something LOL
As the Nekromantix song I'm a Hellcat says "Don't give a damn about what people think or say, If you don't like what you see, Get out of my way"
"I do what I want and say what I like, If you can't take the heat go take a hike"

hope that helped in some way. Kinda got into a rant LOL. people who bully annoy me.
I get bullied often.. :/ it sucks. I was bullied in school too.. but only like, 4th-9th grade, agfter that I kinda just stood up for my self and made a change in attitude..

I got made fun of by the girls in 4th grade because I got my menstruation cycle... I was 9 years old... it was devastating..
I developed breasts and a hips at like 11-13 lol. so naturally I was called fat...

not only did I get called fat by the children, my parents did it too.. and still do..

now I get that fat thing because of modeling.. lol. I just ignore it, and I try very hard not to let it effect what I want to do. but it's not easy... it still hurts as an adult too...
aww that makes me so sad. as a child you don't always know what to do about those situations, but as an adult- girl don't stand for it. You deserve better. Everyone does! <3
actually, my oldest son (who's in 1st grade) was just in a fight the other day. Well...I can't really say "fight" because he beat the CRAP out of this 3rd grader....but a fight none-the-less. Allow me to explain:

I was severely bullied when I was in school. I was beat up, pushed around, followed home because I was different and weird, and I liked drama class and singing and dressing in thrift store clothes. My mom put me in self defense classes, and that was the end of that. one girl tried to beat me up, and I broke her nose. No more bullies for me!

My husband was the same way...he was never bullied only because his dad told him that if anyone ever tried to touch him, he should hit him until someone pulls him off.

Both my husband and I adopt the same philosophy when it comes to bullies. Violence is not the answer...unless someone is being violent with you. I'm sorry, but that's the truth. I'm not going to tell my son that the best way to solve a problem with a bully is to "talk it out". Hell no. We told Gabriel that if that boy put his hands on him again, to knock him down, mount him, and pound him in the nose and mouth until a teacher pulled him off. And that's EXACTLY what he did. Little did that bully know that we've been letting our kids practice mixed martial arts since they were 2. Wrong kid to pick on, huh?

Don't get me wrong though, Gabriel is VERY passive and sweet. He LOOKS like an easy target because he's so nice to everyone. But he lives by the rules of the house.

1. Defend, never instigate
2. Protect yourself only when necessary
3. Protect others that can't protect themselves (he likes that one, like a superhero!)

I tell you what, that kid hasn't so much as LOOKED at Gabriel in a week. Gabriel knows that he's allowed to defend himself without any fear of repercussion from Mommy and Daddy. We're proud that he stood up for himself, and that he did EXACTLY what we told him to do.
Luckily I never went through that, however I always felt for the kids that went through it. i always befriended as many people as I could.
But for you to go through that now isn't right. You shouldn't take any of that to heart. Don't let these people get the best of your emotions. We are all special and we are all equal. Don't for one second let them think they're better than you or let them play mental games with yourself.

Believe in yourself and stand up for yourself when the situations arise. Otherwise it will always get to you. Social acceptance is something that many struggle with throughout their lives. It is your job to find the strength to REACT to it DIFFERENTLY.......POSITIVELY. Because in the end it is YOUR REACTION that always has the biggest impact on how you FEEL afterwards......Good luck!!!
fortunately for me the few fights I got into were in grade school and I kicked their a**** pretty bad. I kept the rep through high school. had I got into a fight though I would of more than likely had my ass handed to me since all the kids grew except for me. I did have one particular person I had a problem with. I just avoided him, if I saw him now though it would be a different story....

it's easy to react positively when the bullying is verbal. But these days the bullying is almost definitely physical (at least in school age children). I know personally, I almost NEVER got verbal warnings before some chick started pounding on me. Violence may beget violence, but non-action will always beget more bullying. Sad, but very true

Aubrey London {Madam} said:
Luckily I never went through that, however I always felt for the kids that went through it. i always befriended as many people as I could. But for you to go through that now isn't right. You shouldn't take any of that to heart. Don't let these people get the best of your emotions. We are all special and we are all equal. Don't for one second let them think they're better than you or let them play mental games with yourself.
Believe in yourself and stand up for yourself when the situations arise. Otherwise it will always get to you. Social acceptance is something that many struggle with throughout their lives. It is your job to find the strength to REACT to it DIFFERENTLY.......POSITIVELY. Because in the end it is YOUR REACTION that always has the biggest impact on how you FEEL afterwards......Good luck!!!
Amen to THAT!

Dear Daniel {★} said:
fortunately for me the few fights I got into were in grade school and I kicked their a**** pretty bad. I kept the rep through high school. had I got into a fight though I would of more than likely had my ass handed to me since all the kids grew except for me. I did have one particular person I had a problem with. I just avoided him, if I saw him now though it would be a different story....

I did... I still feel the sting, even though, I'm grown, and I don't look the same as I once did, I still see that sad girl. :/
I've been encountering bullying at work, usually the strong female boss and they just remind me of the bitchy girls at school. I've just been fired for calling in sick 45 minutes late, just because she found something to use against me. She had previously moved me away from the group at work and then called me 'unsocial'. She completely ruined my work life to the extent that I didn't want to go in anymore.

I had a girl tell me 'f*** you' when she saw my boyfriend and how nice he treated me and then told me he would probably break up with me because we've been together for over 2 years and she had a friend who got broken up with.

I'm in a modelling competition at the moment (and winning) and I've had people send me messages telling me they want to punch my face in with a brick and someone posted on my page "Don't vote for her she has a b*** eye". Another girl posted "We don't like you, we're not voting for you, get the hint" on the competitions front page!

What is wrong with people?!
well...without over-complicating things....They're wicked jealous of you.

Mistress Zen said:
I've been encountering bullying at work, usually the strong female boss and they just remind me of the bitchy girls at school. I've just been fired for calling in sick 45 minutes late, just because she found something to use against me. She had previously moved me away from the group at work and then called me 'unsocial'. She completely ruined my work life to the extent that I didn't want to go in anymore.

I had a girl tell me 'f*** you' when she saw my boyfriend and how nice he treated me and then told me he would probably break up with me because we've been together for over 2 years and she had a friend who got broken up with.

I'm in a modelling competition at the moment (and winning) and I've had people send me messages telling me they want to punch my face in with a brick and someone posted on my page "Don't vote for her she has a b*** eye". Another girl posted "We don't like you, we're not voting for you, get the hint" on the competitions front page!

What is wrong with people?!
Lord knows what they have to be jealous of.
I'm just nice to everyone, isn't that how everyone should be? Sheesh I lose faith in so much of life. I can't even contemplate being mean just for the fun of it, or even out of jealousy.

Honey B Hooligan {Madam} said:
well...without over-complicating things....They're wicked jealous of you.

Mistress Zen said:
I've been encountering bullying at work, usually the strong female boss and they just remind me of the bitchy girls at school. I've just been fired for calling in sick 45 minutes late, just because she found something to use against me. She had previously moved me away from the group at work and then called me 'unsocial'. She completely ruined my work life to the extent that I didn't want to go in anymore.

I had a girl tell me 'f*** you' when she saw my boyfriend and how nice he treated me and then told me he would probably break up with me because we've been together for over 2 years and she had a friend who got broken up with.

I'm in a modelling competition at the moment (and winning) and I've had people send me messages telling me they want to punch my face in with a brick and someone posted on my page "Don't vote for her she has a b*** eye". Another girl posted "We don't like you, we're not voting for you, get the hint" on the competitions front page!

What is wrong with people?!

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